Friday, 4 September 2009

Big Brother Finale - My View.

Wow! Look at Davina's hair! Is she trying to be Elvis Presley? The quiff is simply ginormous! The shiny outfit, oh dear! I don't think I'm liking this look, and you normally look cool, Davina! For the remainder of this blog I shall call her Elvina.

Everyone is booing when she mentions Bea. Surprise Surprise.

Urgh, Siavash is walking around in that leotard that they're making him wear. What a disaster! The silly bugger is on about leaving when there's only a few days left. Is that not attention-seeking?

Argh! David's eyeliner! What is he thinking! Sophie looks glamorous and seems to have miraculously grown a new head of hair, compared to recent times, (with the song composed by skinhead fellow housemate Lisa "Sophie's got no hair" Go figure.)

Now it's Rodrigo's turn to give his 'toast' He is describing all of his drama queen behaviour over the last 'god knows how long it's been'

Charlie's in tears and they're all dancing like "Ring-a-rosie"

Elvina is back and she says she's gonna reveal the 5th Runner Up in a min. Three ex-housemates come on the stage to a barrage of boos. Saffia and whatsherface have made up now! Bless! Angel is wearing a bowl of congeiled Super Noodles on her head!

Shree looks like an 80's gameshow host. I've never heard so many boos! Barbie (Carly) and Ken are still together. Noreen reveals her relationship with arrogant American man is over. Siavash will be pleased. Marcus still has that bloody pony tail and I think Lisa is wearing the same clothes. No change there then.

Here it comes! Fifth place!.....

RODRIGO! I wonder if he's shocked that he didn't win. Not half as much as Charlie will be, I'll bet. Mostly cheers and a few boos accompany Roddy on the way out. Evlina's strutting around the catwalk of shame. She informs us that she's 'bracing herself for a Brazillian' i.e. Rodrigo, if you don't watch.

They're psychoanalysing Rodrigo now and playing back clips of him.

Rodrigo's family are now on the screen chanting his name and saying "Viva Brazil!" and he informs us his grandmother is 95, so that's impressive.

More drama queen clips ensue and he exits the stage.

Time for another one out!...

Charlie's out!! Siavash is babbling some nonsense about it being some kind of reverse conspiracy. He's probably just trying to make Charlie feel better after so expecting to win. Cheers and boos! (But mostly cheers.) He jumps up and down as he takes Elvina's hand. Who next, I wonder!

Charlie has his little interview and Blonde lady begins his pscyhoanalysis. They say he's grown up in the show. Hmm. Best bits shown and he's carted off.


David! And a barrage of boos. In half an hour he'll be evicted! Goodbye dodgy eyeliner. Siavash speculates that Sophie will win, I think he's probably right. Siavash has some metallic paint on his face so he looks like a Terminator! Outside the studio, Freddie says something to Elvina. I can't make out a word of it; he sounds stoned!


"It's down to two and it's over to you" states Elvina followed by a rundown of the elimination process! I think the quiff has gotten bigger!

OMG, clips back to Sophie show much weight she put on! She'll have to go on a diet when she gets out to get her 'glamour girl' career back on track. I really don't think she's pregnant with Kris's baby though, despite press speculation.

David trots out! Is he wearing high heels?! He is walking like he is. No, they're flat. He camps it up with claps and gymnastic finishing moves to a significant amount of boos.

Now he's sitting with Elvina and feeling 'absolutely bloody brilliant!' He looks ultra-pleased that he has finished third and Davina comments on his friendly personality. It is revealed that Robbie Williams had voted for David and after his clips are shown it's time for the winner to be announced!

She's now gonna talk to the house. They are huddled up on the sofa and the winner isssssss....


I knew it. I'm quite pleased for her as I wasn't a big fan of Siavash. Siavash has glitter in his hair, I have jsut noticed. It does look better straightened, for sure. Out he plops in his high heels and that bloody horrible leotard he had been forced to wear.

SIAVASH-inator straddles down the stairs amongst big boos but there are a lot of cheers too, to be fair.

He's now sitting down and his voice has gone. They are booing as Davina mentions his drama about threatening to leave the house the other day and he has to explain his voice has gone. Davina revelas where she got that repulsive jacket. Shame on River Island! I really hate it, but I like Davina. I mean Elvina. He apologises to the girlfriend he had, who he cheated on with Noreen. LOL as I just realised Isaac (Noirin's ex) stole Siavash's catchphrase of 'Rock'n'roll!" Siavash did have his good points.

Now it's time for Sophie to leave the house! 74.4% of the vote. I don't hear any boo's! Maybe they told the booers to shut up since the winner got boos last year. Fireworks all around! Bang bang bang! Davina's sparkly jacket is so bright it's literally making my eyes wince.

She's now chatting with Davina! I bet she can't wait to get those extensions sorted out. 'Kris' her house romance says 'well done, babes' and now it's time for clips of her and Rodrigo, her best buddy in the house. They do have a good friendship, it's clear!

Her best bits are shown and it did make me think she was quite an entertaining housemate, to be fair!

A run down of the series is shown and they've defo made it look good and reminded me of some of the best bits that I had forgotten.

There's more fireworks as she gets her 71 grand! Well done, Sophie. Certainly not well done to Davina's sylist, though! I hope she manages to look better for the finale of the final Big Brother next year!