Well, I've just been to job centre. Before I left the house, I heard on the radio that noxious fumes had been in Longton market, and people were being treated. On my way down to the job centre, I noticed tape around the Town Hall and a fire engine. I took an alternate route, avoiding the Town Hall, and I saw people chatting amongst themselves, presumably talking about the drama. It was like being in a role-playing computer game.
Apart from that it, was rather uneventful until I got back in the house. Apparently, my sister had called to say she'd heard "Longton had blown up and 50 people were killed" I have no idea where this would have come from, or how this rumour came to fruition. For a start, it only happened a few hours ago, so to concur that 50 people had been killed in that space of time seems a bit extravagant. It made me think maybe social networking has played a part with people spreading rumours, (like Chinese Whispers, maybe?) Either way, it didn't seem at all that bad. I can only say for sure when I have read what's happened in full in The Sentinel, or if I get an update on the radio. I can certainly tell you that, from what I saw, I did not walk amongst piles of rubble and Longton certainly hasn't "blown up."
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